How do I apply for a Certificate of Exemption to keep an XL bully dog in England and Wales?

American Bully XL dog breed

The UK government tells us that from February 1, 2024 it will be a criminal offence to own an XL bully dog in England and Wales unless your dog has a valid certificate of exemption. Also, from 31 December 2023, it will be against the …

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American XL bully should be docile according to the co-founder of the breed

Dave Wilson the founder of the XL Bully is against the UK ban

On this page you will see a video from TikTok in which Dave Wilson, a co-founder of the American XL bully breed, makes it clear that he intended this breed to be docile. He selectively bred with other breeders a variety of dog breeds to …

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American XL bully owners are abandoning or euthanizing them because of the impending ban

Killing XL bully dogs because of the UK ban.

NEWS AND COMMENT-UK: This is a follow-up to the original American XL bully story which perhaps the world knows about now namely that the UK government is going to ban this type of dog (it is not a registered breed) following far too many attacks, …

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Training American XL bully dogs to be weapons

American XL bully

NEWS AND COMMENT: The American XL bully dog story is worse than we thought. This type of dog is going to be banned in the UK because it is killing and injuring people and their pets. The shocking news today is that this dog type …

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Post Category: Dogs > abuse