The Control of Dogs Order 1992 states that in England and Scotland a dog in a public place must wear a collar with its owner’s name and address on it. There should be a postcode but it is not obligatory. Specifically, the law states that …
Exotic pets are popular in the UK. The word “exotic” means wild animal in this context. Under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act licences were issued for the keeping of 3,951 wild animals in Great Britain (2020). The number of exotic pets has increased since 2000. …
“If the governor signs it, a bill that has passed the California legislature will end businesses that “house hundreds of dogs, mostly greyhounds, for the sole purpose of draining their blood”. These are the words of Nathan Winograd in an email to me. I investigated …
NEWS AND COMMENT: It seems to me that the US authorities can’t trust many of the countries who export dogs to the US because many of the imported dogs are rejected as the paperwork has been completed fraudulently in that it claims that the dogs …
NEWS AND VIEWS: Florida’s lawmakers are set to ban the tethering of pets and leaving them unsupervised. A bill is currently being debated: Senate Bill 650. There is full support on both sides of the house. An influential group voiced their opposition: the National Rifle …
I’m prompted to write this article because of a well publicised story in The Times newspaper today about a QC’s dog savaging a beloved local seal who the local residents called Freddie Mercury. You may know this but a QC is a senior barrister able …
It is always useful to know the most pet-friendly states in the USA. This chart relates to 2020. produced the data in the image. They rank states based on the following information: percentage of pet-friendly apartments, pets-left in-car laws, pet population, veterinary reporting requirement …
It is perfectly legal to own or have custody of a raccoon in Texas. There is no law preventing a person from owning a raccoon as a pet in Texas as at the date of this article.
Is it legal to own a hyena in Texas? The answer depends upon who you are and whether you are an individual, a specified non-profit organisation or a specified commercial enterprise. But if you are just a standard individual you will need a certificate of …