Pen Farthing feeding stray dogs in Irpin, Ukraine during the war

Pen Farthing carrying dry dog food to stray dogs in Irpin, Ukraine during the war

Pen Farthing is now in Ukraine feeding the animals. There is no keeping him down. You may remember him as the man who founded and ran an animal rescue centre in Kabul, Afghanistan. He managed to evacuate around 200 of his rescued animals from Kabul …

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Undercover video shows workers at Test Valley Trout Farming abusing fish

Test Valley Trout Farming

Farm staff were filmed kicking live trout along the floor. Test Valley Trout Farming supplies ChalkStream®, a brand under which fish from the fish farms are marketed. Chalk Stream has received glowing reports including endorsements from Jamie Oliver and Tom Parker Bowles. As I understand …

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Most British pigs die in terror and pain gasping for breath

Consumers should boycott pork as most pigs die in terror and pain gasping for breath. Slaughterhouse pigs suffer before death. Millions of pigs suffer poor welfare at slaughterhouses. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs report that almost 90% of the 9 million pigs …

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Post Category: Animal laws