When people think of pollinators they normally think of bees. That’s because we enjoy seeing them in the daytime pollinating plants. But bees are under stress from insecticides and industrial farming. The numbers are falling. Without the pollination of bees all the plants that they …
Removing spiders from the home is problematic. Animal advocate Nathan Winograd has told me that one’s instinct to remove a spider from your home is problematic as many species of spider in any country make your home their home. They are house spiders. It depends …
I find these pictures from Eko Adiyanto living in Java, Indonesia to be incredible; almost unbelievable. When I saw them, I wondered if they’d been staged and photo-edited but apparently not. He took the photos in his garden. He says that the ants carried these …
Scientists have revealed that mosquitoes are attracted to a certain combination of body odour smells and the soap that that person uses. There is an interplay between the chemicals in soaps and the chemicals in the body odour of each individual person and when the …
Introduction: The Africanized bee, also known as the Africanized honey bee and the “killer bee”, is a hybrid of the western honey bee produced originally by crossbreeding of the East African lowland honey bee with various European honey bee subspecies such as the Italian honey …
A lot of people are scared of spiders. They’d rather vacuum them up and forget about them. Easy-peasy solution. But they might think about the spider inside the bag inside the hoover. Are they dead or dying? Can they survive the violent journey? If they …
You may remember that many years ago before Charles became king, he spoke about talking to plants. At the time he had a reputation for being a bit out of step with reality but he was right. He was ahead of the game. And it’s …
TikTok is becoming known for videos of both Chinese men and women preparing and eating the kind of colourful food that they like. It is a trend and a popular one. I think that the citizens of the West find these videos fascinating. The kind …
The title looks a bit odd because most people consider a common house spider in the UK as being benign. Some people think that they are quite cute and certainly not dangerous. However, a story in the newspaper yesterday indicates that very rarely a UK …