NEWS AND OPINION: Britain is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world according to the present government’s environment minister, Steve Reed. The Labour government is freshly in place and they have promised to take a fresh look at the wildlife blueprint for the …
When people think of pollinators they normally think of bees. That’s because we enjoy seeing them in the daytime pollinating plants. But bees are under stress from insecticides and industrial farming. The numbers are falling. Without the pollination of bees all the plants that they …
This is an extraordinary frog, quite unique in several ways. It is one of the oldest frog species found in the forests of Brazil. It has an odd diet: fruit rather than insects. Not only is this frog a plant eater it may also be …
In the UK there is a rather strange statute called the Weeds Act 1959. It lists the injurious weeds of the UK which include: Common ragwort – Senecio jacobaea Broad-leaved dock – Rumex obtusifolius Curled dock – Rumex crispus Creeping thistle – Cirsium arvense Spear …
Neonicotinoids used in pesticides makes bees sleep in the day and it makes them go out at night when flowers are not open to be pollinated. Bees are a major and critical pollinator. The numbers have declined significantly. The reason? Habitat loss, climate change, greater …
It’s time to better regulate and restrict the use of pesticides in farming because evidence indicates that they are dramatically reducing the population size of vital pollinators. In Minnesota, for example, there is a much greater awareness of the decline of bees and other pollinators. …