This is a very rare, critically endangered, bee species found in Indonesia which is enormous and because of its rarity and size dead specimens can be bought on eBay for upwards of US$10,000. It is a toxic mix of trade in rare animal species reduced …
You may know that maggots are very efficient at cleaning up wounds and repairing them as the feed on dead tissue. There’s been a slight resurgence in their use in NHS hospitals in the UK. They were first used during the First World War when …
A research study published in the journal Animal Behaviour found that bees are not mindless robots but are probably sentient beings who like to play games, specifically roll balls for no apparent reason other than it is fun. In the study bumblebees were given the …
They don’t know whether the current deluge in Sydney, Australia is a result of global warming, but they do know that a 20-minute downpour last Thursday pushed Sydney’s rainfall beyond that recorded in any year since records began according to Bernard Lagan writing for The …
Are ants the most successful creature on the planet? It looks like they might be because the experts have worked out how many ants there are on the planet and the number is humongous at 20 quadrillion or 2.5 million for every human. 20 quadrillion …
Scientist-engineers have created solar-powered cyborg-type cockroaches implanted with electronics which enables people to control their movements. It sounds a bit like Robocop but with cockroaches rather than people. Perhaps people will be next and perhaps Robocop will come true. The cockroach has a 3D printed …
I’m told that mosquitoes initially detect humans by the carbon dioxide emitted from their mouths. When you blow a waft of carbon dioxide over mosquitoes in a container, they go wild and start buzzing around trying to target a human which they zone in on …
In another astonishing revelation by scientists as to the abilities of animal species, Martin Wikelski from the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behaviour in south-western Germany, has revealed that some species of Death’s-head hawkmoths migrate over the Alps or around them when they fly south. …
In July 2014, Morgan Freeman started to become a beekeeper and subsequently into bee conservation due to their decline. The video on YouTube below provides information about his start in beekeeping. The video starts at the point that Morgan Freeman talks about it. And below …