A scientific study recently published online conducted by researchers from the University of Turku in Finland, concluded that horses can distinguish between the human facial expressions of sadness and joy and they can combine that visual appreciation with the sound of our voice. The study …
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When a group of horses live in wide-open spaces and have a home range in the order of 30-80 mi², they are not particularly territorial or at all territorial. If a herd is within this space and another herd enters it all that happens is …
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The infographic covers the basics and a little more on horse tail movement signalling. There is some additional information below it. Firstly, I am thankful to Desmond Morris PhD who is an author and zoologist. Excitement and alertness In general, the tail rises upwards in …
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An interesting study has recently been published on the PLOS ONE website. It is called: Single housing but not changes in group composition causes stress-related immunomodulations in horses (link at base of article). On my understanding, the basic conclusion is that when you stable a …
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Domestic animal caregivers should talk to their animal companions politely in melodious and pleasant tones as they know when you’re angry and when you are expressing that anger in your voice. As a result, they become upset according to a study of horses and pigs. …
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A classic cat/horse relationship of which there are many. Cats and horses go together despite the huge barrier of size-difference. This makes nuzzling and snuggling up tricky to say the least. Invariably the cat jumps onto a fence as we see here. At one stage …
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The question sounds extraordinary, even ridiculous. However, a study concluded that free-living stallions in the USA preferred mares of a certain coat colour. For example, one stallion preferred buckskin mares while another chose bay mares. And a third favoured very pale-coloured mares. I tried to …
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This TikTok video begs the question as to whether horses like being ridden. It seems to me that the average person almost automatically believes that horses like to be ridden because we see so much of it. Because we don’t see horses rejecting their riders …
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Donkeys are sentient beings. They have feelings and if you don’t believe that I would respectfully suggest that you are badly mistaken. As they have feelings they have the potential to love although the word “love” is a very elastic word. It means to have …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.