The reasons why the horse has been and continues to be so popular is firstly because of their temperament which is based upon their sociability. In the wild they have a naturally sociable lifestyle. They cooperate with each other. This cooperation between horses in the …
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In general, humans do not eat horses because they have nearly always given their lives to benefit humans either to carry them and/or in some other way been a servant to humans. As a consequence, when a horse goes into retirement, they are deserving of …
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An interesting study has recently been published on the PLOS ONE website. It is called: Single housing but not changes in group composition causes stress-related immunomodulations in horses (link at base of article). On my understanding, the basic conclusion is that when you stable a …
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This TikTok video begs the question as to whether horses like being ridden. It seems to me that the average person almost automatically believes that horses like to be ridden because we see so much of it. Because we don’t see horses rejecting their riders …
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Horses don’t get cold feet when standing in snow under very cold conditions because they do not have muscle mass below the knee or hock. The lower leg is mostly made up of bone and tendon which is much better suited to withstanding cold conditions. …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.