This is an apt little video today because Queen Elizabeth II has recently passed aged 96, and tomorrow is her funeral and the entire news media in Britain has reported her passing and the events thereafter extensively while drowning out almost all other news. And …
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This TikTok video begs the question as to whether horses like being ridden. It seems to me that the average person almost automatically believes that horses like to be ridden because we see so much of it. Because we don’t see horses rejecting their riders …
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Like humans, horses can have facial expressions but they are not as elaborate as those of humans. Nonetheless, the expressions provide us with information about how a horse is feeling. Snapping Young foals can perform a snapping action with their mouths. They open their mouth …
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We know that the horse has a very strong and long neck. This allows the animal to signal its emotions via its neck and head. Head shake The head shake has its origins in the irritation caused by flies which buzz around a horse’s eyes, …
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The position of a horse’s ears change with their mood therefore they present signals to other horses and to humans. A horse’s ears are very important because they need to pick up sounds from the world around them for their self-protection as their only means …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.