I have just written a post about Tsai Ing-Wen, the first female president of Taiwan who is a devoted animal and cat lover (ailurophile) – click to read the article. She was democratically elected. She likes to post images of her cats: ‘Think Think’ and …
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This is a bit of fun. I don’t know anything about this photograph, by which I mean I don’t know the backstory but we have to presume that this delightful ginger tabby cat, which I think is a boy, loves to climb up to the …
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Allegedly, elderly people living in retirement flats are being ripped off by a company controlled by Vincent Tchenguiz. The lease of these flats allows pets to be kept provided they do not cause a nuisance. This is a standard term in a lease in Britain. …
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What’s so good about this video? For me, it is the gentleness and the patience of this guy who trains his cats informally. There’s nothing disciplinarian about it. It just happens and his cats guide him. He brings them into his life. Whatever he’s doing …
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Dogs perceive us as different to them while cats seem to perceive us as the same as them.
Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.