Karma: mortally wounded bear crushes head of Russian hunter who shot him

Mortally wounded bear crushes the head of Russian hunter who shot him

Hunter gets hunted👌 A 62-year-old hunter shot and mortally wounded a bear but the animal took revenge on him and crushed his skull, killing him in Russia. Believing the brown bear was dead,the hunter is thought to have descended from the tree only to be …

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Planet of the Apes NOW! Enraged monkeys kill 250 dogs and attack people

Monkey takes small dog to the top of a building to throw it off to kill it.

NEWS AND COMMENT-MAHARASHTRA, INDIA: In Majalgaon and Lavul village in the state of Maharashtra, India, enraged monkeys are taking revenge on the street dogs by carrying them to the top of trees and buildings and throwing them off to their deaths. And if people try …

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Post Category: Monkeys