Pigeons are great. Don’t treat them as pests and vermin

Bingi the pigeon

A lot of people, perhaps most people, treat pigeons as pest and vermin. They don’t like the fact that they defecate. They don’t like the fact that there are lots of them. They don’t like the fact that they are successful. Humans don’t like other …

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Highway robbery in Thailand as elephants stop trucks carrying sugar cane for a bite

Elephant in Thailand waits by side of road for a sugar cane truck and stops it to take a bite

This elephant waits by the side of the road where there is a sign saying “CAUTION ELEPHANT CROSSING”. I guess they realise that they have a right of way at this point. He/she is waiting for a truck carrying sugar cane, a favorite food. When …

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Tom Cruise denied access to Svalbard for filming with helicopters because of the polar bears

Svalbard polar bear capital of the world which Tome Cruise wants to exploit

Svalbard, Norway, is an Arctic Archipelago. It is said to be the polar bear capital of the world with a polar bear population of 3000 and the human population of 2700. Tom Cruise is filming the eighth instalment of Mission Impossible. It is called Mission: …

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Black bear strolls down busy street in Whistler looking for ice cream

Black bear wanders down the street in Whistler British Columbia well pedestrians look on

Melissa Alves captured this video for her TikTok account of a black bear walking through a busy shopping area in Whistler Village, British Columbia heading towards Cow’s Ice Cream looking for a snack. The pedestrians look on. They react in different ways but calmly. One …

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Post Category: Bears