China’s undiplomatic diplomats liken themselves to wolf warriors

Hua Chunying

China feels that they have been unfairly criticised by the international community which has allowed their undiplomatic diplomats to behave like wolf warriors to use an animal analogue. In other words Chinese diplomacy has developed into the aggression of wolves which is sometimes expressed on …

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Fur sales to be banned when Britain leaves European law

NEWS AND OPINION: The law regarding the importation of animal fur into the UK is highly complicated. I know that the European Union banned cat and dog fur in around 2009. But I also know that animals are bred in captivity in the European Union …

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Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology (LPT), an animal testing facility, treated animals cruelly

Dog at Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology (LPT)

NEWS AND OPINION: I can say with confidence and without any possibility of defamation that an animal testing laboratory in or near Hamburg, Germany called Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology (LPT) was found to be treating animals barbarically and they were kept in appalling conditions. …

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Post Category: Animal rights