William and Harry’s different characters are reflected in their views on wildlife conservation

William and Harry have different views on African wildlife conservation

NEWS AND VIEWS: There is no question that William has a more circumspect, considered way of dealing with things compared to Harry’s more confrontational views. That’s what I take from the news media. We see it in the way that Harry confronts what he regards …

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Prince William says the world is losing its most precious natural resources “in the name of greed and exploitation”

Prince William

Prince William is currently in Singapore for the third Earthshot prize ceremony. He gave a speech in which he said that the world was losing precious natural resources including of course many iconic species of animal “at a frightening pace, all in the name of …

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Poachers bought tickets to rhino sanctuary before killing and dehorning 2 rhinos

Khama Rhino Sanctuary

NEWS AND COMMENT-BOTSWANA: In an event which belies the so-called security of Botswana as a safe haven for the persecuted rhino, it has been reported that poachers bought tickets to one of the country’s top animal sanctuaries, Khama Rhino Sanctuary, and boldly killed and dehorned …

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Surge in rhino killings to supply the Asian traditional medicine market

Rhino SA

NEWS AND COMMENT-SOUTH AFRICA: The Times has a shocking report today. It seems that the citizens of Asia want to slaughter all the rhinos in South Africa to feed their ridiculous traditional medicine market. They believe the rhino horn has medicinal qualities when actually it …

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Two thirds of Kruger National Park’s rhinos have been lost to poaching in 10 years

Rhino Kruger NP

COMMENT AND NEWS: The information is shocking. It is a severe indictment of the lack of commitment to conservation by the South African government. The Times reports from Cape Town that Kruger National Park is the home to the world’s largest concentration of rhinoceroses. However, …

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Post Category: Conservation