Up to $750bn to rebuild Ukraine and $65bn to repair ecosystems after Russia’s invasion


It is said that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused $65 billion in damage to Ukraine’s ecosystems. Correct? I asked AI. Yes, that’s correct. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine, particularly since Russia’s invasion in 2022, has had a devastating impact on the country’s ecosystems. Estimates …

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Burning wood pellets in the UK from trees felled in the US is a FLAWED process for curbing global warming

Wood pellet burning power station

I am always astonished and deeply disturbed to read that in the UK, taxpayers are funding what I describe as a deeply flawed process designed to curb climate change but in my view which makes matters far worse. The whole concept is frankly sheer madness. …

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England’s salmon stocks at lowest on record. Infographic.

England's salmon stocks at the lowest in modern recorded history

England and Wales, UK: A sign of the modern times when pollution and other human-made pressures on nature generally and wildlife are at a peak and worsening despite an increased awareness of the problems. The succinct infographic provides the essential, disturbing information for those concerned …

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