Stray dog goes walkies to the top of one of Egypt’s great pyramids

NEWS AND VIEWS: The news media or at least the newspaper I am reading (The Times) indicates that there is some surprise that a stray dog claimed to the top of one of Egypt’s great pyramids but I’m not surprised because there are lots of homeless dogs in Egypt wandering around and as you can see in the video it isn’t that difficult to climb one of these pyramids or indeed to come down.

An commenter suggested that the dog might have been chasing a bird but I doubt that. The dog was probably simply exploring perhaps scavenging for food and of course not recognising the fact that they were climbing an iconic structure, built thousands of years ago.

The dog climbed at sunrise and according to reports travelled to the top to enjoy the view. The dog was noticed by the American para-motorist Marshall Mosher who was flying over the top of the pyramids of Giza at the time.

More: 2 main reasons why there are so many stray dogs in India

The video went viral and the news media latched onto the story. Mr Mosher joined thousands of online users in speculating that the sandy-coloured dog, nicknamed Boka, on social media, was the “physical embodiment of Anubis, the jackal-headed guard of the dead also called “he who is upon this mountain”. Others simply thought that the dog was chasing a bird as mentioned. I disagree with both as mentioned.

Mosher usefully used the encounter to raise awareness of the numerous stray animals around Cairo (well done). He has since posted many images of stray dogs including a shivering puppy being given away after its mother died. He said that “the stray dog situation here is a huge challenge, and this little guy represents thousands.”

Mosher has 284,000 Instagram followers and added on his social media site that “while the world is so in love with our famous pyramid dog, I would love to help these friendly pups to get the love they deserve.”

He linked to an animal rescue called Chance Animal Rescue where they care for more than 400 animals. Well, I will link to it as well. Click this to go to their website.

Stray dog climbs to the summit of the Pyramid of Khufu
Stray dog climbs to the summit of the Pyramid of Khufu or one of the other iconic Pyramids of Giza.
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Post Category: Dogs > stray dogs