NEWS AND COMMENT: Defra is planning to cull wild parakeets in Britain. They are an invasive species but I don’t see the need to cull them. They’ve been described as the ‘grey squirrels of the sky’ and they are Britain’s fastest-spreading species of bird with …
Allegedly, British supermarkets are complicit in the deforestation of Brazilian rainforest because some of their supply chain products are linked with Brazilian mega-farms which destroy rainforest. And, their guilt appears to be silently admitted because some refuse to confirm or deny any links with the …
The UK is going through the last phases of Brexit negotiations. On 1 January 2021 the country leaves the European Union. It’s a complex process and one of the negotiation points is the pet travel passport scheme, which UK citizens have enjoyed as members of …
NEWS AND COMMENT: Battersea Dogs & Cats Home predict that there will be an increase in the abandonment of unwanted dogs by 27% over the next five years based on data from previous recessions. They found that 31% of 2,000 dog and cat owners had …