The woman who posted a video on Twitter (see below) was completely shattered (hysterical in fact) and beside herself with grief after her parrot, Chanel, flew off. She was on the edge of a nervous breakdown or was going through one, on camera. It is …
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A man surrendered 836 parakeets in two lots to the Detroit Animal Welfare Group shelter. In the first lot he dropped off 497 parakeets in seven cages. The rescue group say that the birds were all over each other. They had to act quickly to …
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NEWS AND COMMENT: Defra is planning to cull wild parakeets in Britain. They are an invasive species but I don’t see the need to cull them. They’ve been described as the ‘grey squirrels of the sky’ and they are Britain’s fastest-spreading species of bird with …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.