An Indian villager, Arif Gurjar, living in Mandka, Uttar Pradesh, has been adopted by the world’s tallest flying bird, a sarus crane, who he rescued when he was injured about 12 months ago. They had been inseparable since. Interspecies friendships are great. They are good …
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A man surrendered 836 parakeets in two lots to the Detroit Animal Welfare Group shelter. In the first lot he dropped off 497 parakeets in seven cages. The rescue group say that the birds were all over each other. They had to act quickly to …
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This is another brilliant video from Martin of the South West Wildlife Foundation of Utah (and thanks to his wife for the filming). Martin has almost 50 years experience in rescuing birds of prey and therefore he knows the illnesses, hazards, injuries and struggles that …
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There is a beauty in the way Martin, the guy rescuing these birds of prey, behaves and in the way he handles the birds. He’s incredibly practical and down-to-earth and he knows his birds back to front. He’s been doing this for 50 years. He …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.