NEWS AND OPINION: Insect pollinators and other indicators of biodiversity in Britain have declined dramatically as indicated by a citizen science survey on car bug splatter. It’s a neat survey which indicates that over 17 years bug splat on cars have fallen almost 66% (two …
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You may remember Geronimo, the alpaca, who was slaughtered after a long-running battle between Helen Macdonald, his owner, and Defra which claimed that he had tuberculosis. Geronimo’s owner claimed that he did not because the Defra test was inaccurate. She made that perfectly clear and …
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NEWS AND COMMENT: Defra is planning to cull wild parakeets in Britain. They are an invasive species but I don’t see the need to cull them. They’ve been described as the ‘grey squirrels of the sky’ and they are Britain’s fastest-spreading species of bird with …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.