Bruxing and boggling is what rats do when they are very happy. Bruxing is when they grind their teeth. When bruxing is carried out very hard their jaw muscles force their eyes outwards and this is called boggling. This video will change your opinion about …
A photographer, Augustin Lignier, based in Paris, decided on an experiment with rats to test addiction and enlighten us about social media addiction. Two rats were placed in a specialist kind of cage called a Skinner Box. The rats were initially given sugar together with …
NEWS AND OPINION: Wellington, the capital of New Zealand is waging war on another of their invasive species, the rat. Predator Free Wellington a state backed community which is leading the effort to eradicate rats from the capital of New Zealand. New Zealand is very …
The Times newspaper (Will Pavia) reports on New York City’s battle against the urban rat using a detection device designed by an Israeli which sends data back to a smart phone. They feel that there is a need to do something game changing in order …
This is another intriguing scientific study which this time is on ‘beat synchronisation’ by rats as they demonstrate that they can pick out the beat in music and ‘dance to it’ by moving their heads in time even if they’ve never heard it before. The …
NEWS AND COMMENT: Wherever you live, you should check whether owning a Taser is legal because this man, the owner of a golf school, Richard Gilling, 53, bought a Taser on the advice of a commercial lawyer and discovered when arrested that in England it …
What do you think? All I can say is that, for me, this is a charming video. The woman says that her rats make a happy. It is a statement with which you can’t argue and you can only be happy for her. Did my …
APOPO, a non-profit organisation which uses animals and “scent detection technology” is training HeroRATs for search and rescue. And also, to detect landmines and sniff out illnesses such as TB. African giant pouched rats, almost the size of domestic cats, are being equipped with tiny …
NEWS AND COMMENT-NEW YORK CITY, USA: Ekomille traps have won praise from the new mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, who declared them “amazing”. He was recently sworn in as the 110th mayor of New York City. New York City needs these sophisticated rat …