Liz Bonnin is a French-Irish scientist and natural history presenter. She is a national treasure as far as I am concerned because she spells it out the way it should be spelt out and I’m referring to the reason why, “The 3 biggest environmental threats …
In the interests of wildlife conservation, and the protection of our planet including the oceans, Amazon must take urgent steps to reduce the use of plastic in their packaging. This is the demand of any reasonable person including the campaign organisation Oceana of which Carrie …
A research project – which is designed to open the eyes of humankind to the realisation that we can’t go on destroying the planet – came to the finding that if we weighed everything that humans had produced since 1900 it would weigh more than …
NEWS AND COMMENT: It’s extraordinary to report that an expat (and his friend) living in France campaigning about litter picked up more than 6,000 discarded coronavirus facemasks during his fifty-nine day walk. His name is Ed Platt. He is on a campaign to highlight France’s …
NEWS AND VIEWS (COMMENTS): It looks shocking. Farmers turning woollen fleeces into compost because they can’t get enough money for their wool because the British public has turned to plastic for their clothing. It makes me instantly think of introducing legislation to force people to …
I’m not sure that it is strictly the change from square to rectangular which reduces the amount of plastic waste from cheese products because the amount of plastic remains the same it seems to me but Tesco, a major supermarket chain in the UK, have …
It is a shocking statistic to read that there is one tonne of plastic sloshing around the planet today per each living person. It seems that the cumulative global plastic production is exponential and it probably is because human population growth is exponential which of …
Recycling plastics using enzymes developed from bacteria is a game changer. Some plastics can be recycled but each time you recycle it you lose quality. This new approach combines two plastic-munching enzymes developed by a bacterium. In 2016 a species of bacterium was discovered in …
I had not heard of the phrase or word “green-wash” before. It means to make your business look as if it is concerned with environmental matters when it is not. Some businesses are green-washing by leaning on Dame Ellen MacArthur’s scheme to reduce ocean plastic …