The video which I can’t embed here does not tell us the backstory behind the image of this sweet dog looking so fearful of the presence of a rescue worker who wants to help. The distrust of humans is very strongly evident in this female …
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Chris and Mariesa Hughes live with 19 dogs and all of them are special needs. They run a very interesting and loving charity. They take dogs from rescue centres that are medically challenged and find foster homes for them but they pay all the medical …
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A little dog rescued from a hoarding situation is rehabilitated over a three-month period as she shakes in nervousness almost all the time and hides at the first opportunity. Eventually she blossoms and lies on the couch next to her carer and then she goes …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.