Yak attacks hiking woman in Nepal

Yak as created by Bing's Copilot

Here is a summary of the event: Emma Keen, a 42-year-old British woman, was gored by a yak while hiking near Mount Everest. The attack occurred as she was Face Timing her family, leaving her with a severe three-inch gash in her leg. Despite the …

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William MacAskill persuades billionaires to give away 10% of their income to end factory farming

WIlliam MacAskill

Fresh-faced William MacAskill occupies page 3 of The Times newspaper today, Saturday, October 8, 2022. And I’m pleased. He is an associate Prof at Oxford and the founder of the effective altruism (EA) movement. He became the youngest associate Prof of philosophy in the world …

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Awesome couple only adopt special needs rescue dogs (and lots of them)

Chris and Mariesa with their special needs dogs

Chris and Mariesa Hughes live with 19 dogs and all of them are special needs. They run a very interesting and loving charity. They take dogs from rescue centres that are medically challenged and find foster homes for them but they pay all the medical …

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Orphaned giraffe finds solace by nuzzling up to Sarara Camp wildlife keeper Lekupania

Orphaned giraffe finds solace by cuddling up to Sarara Camp wildlife keeper Lekupania

Well, I have taken the huge liberty in publishing this superb photograph on this website. I felt I had to because it’s so wonderfully encapsulates what humankind’s relationship with our animal cousins should be. There is a beautiful tenderness in this interspecies relationship. I have …

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At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.

Post Category: Conservation