Should I give my Maine Coon cat a lion cut? In order to answer the question accurately you have to ask and answer some questions. What is it for? Is the lion cut for the benefit of the owner i.e. for their convenience because they …
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Britain’s pet owners are using more and more cannabis to treat their companion animal’s ailments including for arthritis and anxiety. This is cannabidiol (CBD). We are not talking about pets puffing on spliffs! You might be as surprised as I am at the number of …
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Raw dogfood is being criticised and it has been criticised in the past. The same goes for raw cat food. But advocates of home-made raw foods speak highly of it in terms of animal welfare and health. The problem is that it harbours pathogens which …
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This is an audio version (2.5 minutes) of an aricle I wrote about purring reducing pain in cats. I am experimenting with audio files. It’s not great quality but I am simply trying to get across a point: that the cat purr probably reduces pain …
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All the experts and the veterinarians say that if you are going to embark on a weight loss program for your overweight domestic cat you should do it gently because too-rapid weight loss can result in serious metabolic problems such as hepatic lipidosis, which is …
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In the UK in hot weather cat guardians need to be alert to the dangers of their cat getting sunburned ear flaps. Sun cream is advised.
Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.