Giant panda edging away from extinction due to Chinese conservation efforts

Giant Panda

The giant panda is, in my words, edging away from the possibility of extinction thanks to captive breeding programs by the Chinese and overall efforts in terms of their conservation. Chinese scientists in China are pleased with the rise in the number of giant pandas. …

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Pangolins are being poached to extinction to supply INEFFECTIVE traditional Chinese medicine

Pangolins are mercilessly persecuted and brutally killed for the scales to service the Chinese traditional medicine market

Here are some facts about the gradual extinction of the pangolin. It is a gruesome, unhappy story of human excess and superstition. For me, it is an example of complete madness in the human character but perhaps I am alone in that thought. Pangolin scales …

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Lion conservation in Africa – what to do to protect lions

African lion and lioness

If you want to know how to protect the African lion you have to look at what is killing this iconic species. You then remove those things which kill the cat. That’s called conservation. Of course, sometimes it’s impossible to remove the human activity which …

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Post Category: Conservation