Why don’t the Australian authorities use immuno-contraception (IC) by vaccination to control the population feral cats in Australia which prey on native species and which annoy the Australian authorities so much? The vaccination could be given orally. And it seems to me that theoretically it …
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Australians are famous for blaming the approximate 2 million feral cats on their continent for the loss of millions of animals of native species primarily marsupials and mammals. A lot of effort has gone into eradicating the ‘pest’ of feral cats from the continent in …
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Discarded Diet Coke cans can become a serious wildlife and companion animal hazard. They are transformed into razor-sharp objects when cut and destroyed by lawnmowers. I’m referring to a story on the website Kent Online which reports shredded Diet Coke cans found along the Royal …
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There is a fascinating write-up of a study about the declining numbers of small native mammal species, weighing up to 5 kg, in an area called Top End in Australia. Top End, as the name implies, is at the top of Australia, dead centre. It …
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I’m going to put the massive Australian bushfires of 2019 down to global warming. I don’t think they would have happened but for global warming. Global warming is caused by human activity. Australia exports large amount of coal to China. This is a direct cause …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.