Barred owls have a wingspan of 4 feet and grow to 2 feet in length. They are native to the eastern United States and they can be relatively aggressive. However, since the early 1900s they have steadily moved westward encroaching into the western states of …
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The Sunday Times is able to report on a major conservation success in the UK thanks to the efforts primarily of Colin Shawyer and what appears to be an army of volunteers supporting him. The conservation success regards the barn owl and is largely thanks …
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The Eurasian-Eagle owl is a species normally found in mountainous forests in Europe and Asia. In 2010 a Eurasian-eagle owl was brought to New York’s Central Park Zoo. They named him Flaco. On February 3, 2023, someone cut a hole in Flaco’s enclosure and he …
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Evolution has resulted in the great grey owl developing advanced, scientific skills to detect voles 50 cm below the snow just by the sound that they make. And it is doubly astonishing they can do this because snow this deep is a great sound dampener …
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Employing what is called Batesian mimicry, bats mimic a swarm of hornets or wasps when seized by an owl in order to perplex their attacker and give them a split second to release themselves and escape. Researchers from Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II …
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The beautiful owl is back in the news. People are fascinated by this wonderful bird’s ability to fly so silently; a silent beast gliding through the woods. Noise has become an issue to people in general, I believe, because people are more sensitive about the …
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People ask whether there are albino owls and as you can see albino owls do exist. In my opinion, a white owl is not an albino owl physiologically. They’re both white but the cause of the whiteness is different i.e. the genetic causes are different. …
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The Earl of Hopetoun is Andrew Hope. His family has owned the Leadhills estate of 19,500 acres for 300 years. It is farmland and moorland across South Lancashire. It has a reputation, it is reported in The Times, as an alleged wildlife crime hotspot. The …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.