Dogs have good eyesight but they see things differently to humans. And to cats or parrots! I have a page comparing dog and parrot eyesight which you can read by clicking this link. For many years the experts thought that the dog saw everything in …
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On PoC I have some carefully prepared and useful images which shows us, in my opinion, how cats see the world compared to humans. You might find that page interesting – Cat Vision Pictorial Examples. On this page, I am comparing the eyesight of dogs …
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People ask whether there are albino owls and as you can see albino owls do exist. In my opinion, a white owl is not an albino owl physiologically. They’re both white but the cause of the whiteness is different i.e. the genetic causes are different. …
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No, dogs’ eyes are not the same as human eyes but they are very similar to cats’ eyes. Inherently, domestic dogs are more active at dawn and dusk. They are crepuscular animals. As a result their eyes have evolved to work best in dim light …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.