A female pair of two-year-old, critically endangered, blue-throated macaws native to Bolivia, flew away from London Zoo described as ‘escaping’ but it seems to me they simply flew away because they have a routine session of flying freely at the zoo. On this occasion they …
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A recent study conducted by researchers at Northeastern University, including Rébecca Kleinberger and undergraduate Megan McMahon, has shown that parrots can indeed benefit from playing tablet games. The study involved a group of 20 pet birds, ranging from small species like green-cheeked parakeets to the …
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The top advice on the internet is to not let a parrot fly freely around open spaces outside the home but to keep them on a harness. One site says that a parrot might fly off for a variety of reasons such as noise or …
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This is an Infographic which is headed with the title “The Most Expensive Pets in the World”. It is dated 2022. The date is important because prices go up universally and perpetually because of inflation. Inflation is a natural consequence of capitalism. The person who …
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On PoC I have some carefully prepared and useful images which shows us, in my opinion, how cats see the world compared to humans. You might find that page interesting – Cat Vision Pictorial Examples. On this page, I am comparing the eyesight of dogs …
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This is another story of the dysfunctionality in the relationship between humans and animals. The kea or alpine parrot is considered to be intelligent, mischievous and inquisitive. They are known for attacking the windshield wipers of cars visiting the mountain region where they inhabit. One …
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This sanctuary for mainly parrots is in Del mar, California, USA. I have begun to fall in love with parrots. They are adorable and you can see the intelligence in their eyes and their behaviour. In this instance a young woman (the video maker) whose …
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The video provides the public with a very in-depth and interesting tour of a spectacular parrot rescue facility outside Denver, USA called the Gabriel Foundation Parrot Rescue. There are over 500 parrots in this enormous facility with a beautiful outside area where they can get …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.