It is that time of year when there are a lot of foods in the kitchen and dining room which are tasty to humans and toxic to dogs. The infographic prepared by me highlights 5 foods that are in this category. Domestic dogs eat instinctively …
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NEWS AND COMMENT: Personally, I am pleased to be told by the Daily Mail that Boris and Carrie Johnson feature their dog Dilyn on Downing Street’s official Christmas card for the second year in a row in a break from tradition which encourages prime ministers …
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President Macron has used his adopted rescue dog, Nemo, to urge the citizens of France to commit to caring for a companion animal for the life of the animal when adopting. In other words, he is asking people to think hard about it before adopting …
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NEWS AND VIEWS: The McCormick family living in Adelaide, South Australia, returned home to find a koala in their Christmas tree. Sadly, he was trying to eat pieces of it but it’s made of plastic. Koala’s like to climb eucalyptus trees in the Australian outback. …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.