We know that the Covid pandemic changed attitudes in the UK towards the workplace. It actually changed a lot of things and has affected the way of life of UK citizens in many ways and will do, I believe, permanently. And so, it is unsurprising …
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We all know that the Covid pandemic has led to an entirely different way of working. Working from home almost became a norm and now, in Britain, the government has specified that employers must consider an employee’s request to work from home from day one. …
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A prominent, major British law firm, Slaughter and May, will allow their lawyers to bring their dogs to the office as part of a well-being drive provided a trial proves to be successful. Slaughter and May is one of the “magic circle” law firms. Their …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.