Berkley, MI, USA, city council voted 4-1 to outlaw retail sales of commercially-bred animals in pet stores

Rescue dog needing a home

Nathan Winograd reports to me that an important change to the city-wide laws are about to be made in Berkley, Michigan, USA which is that pet stores have been given two years to phase out the sale of commercially bred animals such as puppies and …

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Clark County bans sale of commercially bred dogs, cats, rabbits, and pigs in pet stores

Commercially bred dogs in very poor conditions

Nathan Winograd reports: “Clark County, NV, unanimously approved an ordinance prohibiting the sale of commercially-bred dogs, cats, rabbits, and pigs in pet stores. Pet stores can partner with shelters and rescue groups if they want to have animals. These laws work. Because of them, the …

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Post Category: Animal laws > ban on pet sales