Vet busts myth that 1 human year is 7 dog years

Vet busts myth on dog-human age equivalence:

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Vet busts myth about dog-human age equivalence
Vet busts myth about dog-human age equivalence. Screenshot of TikTok video.
Dog-human age equivalence according to Dr Hunter Finn
Dog-human age equivalence according to Dr Hunter Finn.

The myth can be busted for cats. The problem was or is that people wanted a simple formula to convert cat and dog age to human age but there is no simple formula as the vet tells us. The comparison is not linear. The current simplified method presupposes that it is linear. Cats and dogs age at different speeds depending on their age.

Here is a chart showing cat years to human years based on a good source that I made about 2 years ago:

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Post Category: Dogs > Canine Health