NEW AND COMMENT: Today, in The Times, the report is that Great Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, has decided that costs in the building of HS2 are out of control. The project is a folly. It should never have started. Costs have ballooned. …
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NEWS AND OPINION: HS2 has rapidly become a white elephant, a project that is already out-of-date before the first sleeper and track has been laid. The project is devastating to wildlife in the UK because it destroys their habitat. The latest scandalous destruction of habitat …
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NEWS AND COMMENT: Many beautiful trees have been cut down to make way for the doomed and already outdated HS2 rail link. I have written before about oak trees being felled causing great distress among nature lovers. HS2 is outdated already because the Covid-19 pandemic …
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Trees are a home to wildlife. Ancient oak trees planted in the reign of George I, 300 years ago, are being cut down to make way for HS2. There are many examples but I’ve picked out a couple and I for one am distressed to …
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Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.