It gives me a lot of pleasure to feed the foxes who travel down a right of way at the back of my garden. They live in an overgrown garden three houses down. Thank God for the owner of that house. He lives in a dump and his house is falling down but his garden, being neglected to the point where it has become a jungle, is a wonderful wildlife haven for many species of animal including foxes.
I have feed two generations of foxes. I love them. Many people hate them. They take a completely opposite attitude. They don’t complain with my feeding. They don’t know 😊😃. Why do people hate foxes? I see no sound reason. I love them because many people hate them. I do it to counteract the hatred and because they are vulnerable to abuse.
I feed them wet dog food, dry dog food (Pedigree Markies) and the occasional human food treat (very infrequent as I eat all my food. Importantly, I always add about five drops of a homeopathic treatment against mange which blights foxes and which can kill them. The mite causing mange burrows into their skin causing massive irritation. I hate to think of that.
The homeopathic treat is Arsenicum & Sulphur from the National Fox Welfare Society. It is ESSENTIAL as far as I am concerned. It works brilliantly and keeps them healthy. It is free from the mentioned society. Access it via their website. Google their name and you can go from there. When ordering I always donate £10 because they are a very useful society.