Infographic on feeding foxes

It gives me a lot of pleasure to feed the foxes who travel down a right of way at the back of my garden. They live in an overgrown garden three houses down. Thank God for the owner of that house. He lives in a dump and his house is falling down but his garden, being neglected to the point where it has become a jungle, is a wonderful wildlife haven for many species of animal including foxes.

Feeding Foxes Infographic prepared by MikeB at PoC
Feeding Foxes Infographic prepared by MikeB at PoC. This is free to use under a Creative Commons: ATTRIBUTION-NODERIVS CC BY-ND license. Please link back to this website as a thankyou.

I have feed two generations of foxes. I love them. Many people hate them. They take a completely opposite attitude. They don’t complain with my feeding. They don’t know 😊😃. Why do people hate foxes? I see no sound reason. I love them because many people hate them. I do it to counteract the hatred and because they are vulnerable to abuse.

I feed them wet dog food, dry dog food (Pedigree Markies) and the occasional human food treat (very infrequent as I eat all my food. Importantly, I always add about five drops of a homeopathic treatment against mange which blights foxes and which can kill them. The mite causing mange burrows into their skin causing massive irritation. I hate to think of that.

The homeopathic treat is Arsenicum & Sulphur from the National Fox Welfare Society. It is ESSENTIAL as far as I am concerned. It works brilliantly and keeps them healthy. It is free from the mentioned society. Access it via their website. Google their name and you can go from there. When ordering I always donate £10 because they are a very useful society.

Free: guaranteed cure for fox mange

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