Groom to a polo pony sues horse’s owner for £2 million

Elena Thorman had aspirations of a career in the army before she was thrown from a polo pony, Harri, while she was a groom employed by Catherine Lamacraft. Harri was part of the England team that beat the USA in the Silver Jubilee Cup at Cirencester Park Polo Club in June.

Harri “suddenly and without warning” reared and threw Elena Thorman backwards. The horse landed on top of Thorman before rolling off to one side.

Thorman suffered catastrophic injuries described as life-threatening including a smashed pelvis and other fractures. She also suffered post-traumatic stress disorder and her pelvic injuries could lead to complications if she tried to have children.

Her aspirations of a career in the army were ended and she is suing the horse’s owner for £2 million in compensation.

The owner of the horse, Catherine Lamacraft, has admitted liability but the amount of damages is contested and there will be a trial lasting seven days to decide compensation.

Thorman is 25 years of age today and she was 20 when Harri crushed her.

She is suing Lamacraft under the Animals Act 1971. This legislation governs the liability of owners of potentially dangerous creatures. I am thankful to The Times newspaper for this story.

RELATED: Bank employee takes 2-hour horse ride to work after boss tells her to take public transport

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