Why are horses with broken legs euthanized?
Horses are euthanised after a broken leg because of the difficulties of successfully repairing a broken leg in combination with financial considerations.
Horses are euthanised after a broken leg because of the difficulties of successfully repairing a broken leg in combination with financial considerations.
I have asked the question in the title because a horse-drawn barge business run by Jenny Roberts has closed after cruelty claims. After 35 years of operating, Jenny Roberts who owns a 1935 narrowboat called Iona has closed her business, the Goldaming Packetboat Company, and …
FRANCE – NEWS AND OPINION: At night, across France, there have been 18 ritualistic mutilations of horses and donkeys. Investigators believe that they are part of sadistic rituals. My first impression is that they almost appear to be copycat crimes based upon the controversial play …
Years ago, Julia Roberts lived amongst the nomads of Mongolia learning about their relationship with wild horses. Julia Roberts is a horse lover. And I’m a great fan of Julia Roberts by the way. She’s an excellent actress and has a great character. In the …