You might have seen it, little dogs performing highly acrobatic walking handstands while urinating at the same time. It’s remarkable that these dogs can walk on their forelegs for quite a considerable distance in any case but to urinate at the same time adds another …
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Hippos mark territory with poop. It reminds me of cats actually. But hippos only mark territory by spraying poop with their tail when they are confronted with a hippo that is a stranger. When they hear the wheeze-honk of a hippo they have not heard …
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This video of two dogs returning from holiday reminds me of feline behaviour. It seems that canine behaviour can, at times, be very similar to feline behaviour. My guess is that both these dogs decided to scent mark the living room to make it more …
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We know that dogs cock their legs to urinate but why don’t they do it by squatting? In other words what is the significance of dogs urinating against an object by cocking their legs first? Introduction When dogs cock their legs to urinate they are …
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