Stag chased for hours until it collapses and then shot by countryside toff of the Quantock Staghounds

Countryside toff kills state. What fun!
Countryside toff kills state. What fun! Screenshot.

The poor creature was chased for hours to exhaustion then shot after collapsing in gorse – Mendip Hunt Sabs

They are an objectionable lot of AHs in their crappy ridding uniforms. Their yapping herds of dogs and plumy accents. They definitely think they have dominion over animals. That the human is king and they can do what the hell they like with animals as their existence is solely to serve the almighty human. And this is what they get up at the weekend when they want a bit of fun: let’s go kill a stag. The one with the biggest horns so we massage our egos. God, I hate the lot of them. And justifiably.

The video is from the Mendip Hunt Sabs Twitter feed and was filmed by the North Dorset Hunt Sabs. It is published on Twitter with the words:

Stag killed by Quantock stag hounds – This stag was killed this afternoon by the Quantock Stag Hounds. The poor creature was chased for hours to exhaustion then shot after collapsing in gorse. North Dorset Hunt Saboteurs captured this footage…

Harry in his book ‘Spare’ writes that he was proud that he had shot a stag through the heart

Hunters shoot exhausted stag at close range after 3-hour chase with dogs

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