Novak Djokovic has a connection with a single tree in Melbourne Botanical Gardens

Novak Djokovic has a connection with a single tree in Melbourne Botanical Gardens
Image left: Wikipedia. Main image: screenshot from video below.

Novak Djokovic is a dog lover. My research does not tell me that he is a generalist animal lover but he is sensitive to his dogs’ welfare which indicates that he is sensitive to animal welfare. He has a couple of toy poodles called Pierre and Tesla according to my research.

His behaviour indicates that he instinctively likes nature which would also point to being a nature lover and therefore a wildlife lover which should lead to being an animal lover! I want it to be true that he is an animal lover. 😊

I’ve said the above because he loves Melbourne Botanical Gardens which he visits every time that he plays the Australian Open tennis tournament. He thinks that it’s a great place and a great treasure. And looking at photographs of it, it is an amazing natural space in Melbourne. The residents of Melbourne are certainly very lucky to have it.

Note: the full title for these gardens is: Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria – Melbourne Gardens. They have acheived an astonishing clean and full 5 star rating from more than 15,000 reviews.

And within this beautiful park there is one tree that Novak Djokovic visits every time he plays the tournament because he has developed a special connection with it. In the interview which you can see in the video above he says that he formed a connection with this tree very early on when visiting Melbourne.

He used to climb the tree and now he sits under it and meditates. He loves the tree’s roots and branches and it seems to me that he uses the tree to ground himself, to be in a better mental position to play a gruelling series of tennis matches in the Australian Open which is required to win.

This is Novak Djokovic using nature to feel better. This is exactly what I would advocate. It’s what the doctors advocate. People should take one moment every day when they immerse themselves in nature if they can. Better still to walk within nature because in that way you also exercise. This will be a healing and healthy process.

I expect that he medical team and advisors have encouraged him to adopt this lifestyle.

RELATED: Novak’s exceptional diet.

He goes one step further with his diet. He does not say that he is a vegan because he does eat some fish within his largely vegetarian diet. His diet is incredibly well controlled. He has a strict routine and he believes in routines. I am convinced that every day is more or less the same in terms of the fundamentals such as diet.

He has said that his diet is plant-based and has been for years. Further, he has said that he avoids animal foods but he doesn’t like the word “vegan” because he believes many people misinterpret or misuse the word.

But this package of factors which I’ve mentioned indicates that he has some excellent aspects to his character. He is less popular than many other tennis players. We are not exactly sure why. He’s not as charismatic as Federer was as dynamic as Nadal.

But his tennis is incredibly efficient. His mental strength is legendary. It is his mental strength I think which is perhaps the key factor in his winning ability. And this goes full circle back to his connection with nature and that tree in Melbourne Botanical Gardens.

Perhaps he uses the connection he has with that tree to gain inner strength, to be calm and to better connect with his inner self, to be more focused, and to be able to go into the next tennis match with a single-minded purpose which makes it almost impossible for him to lose.

On many occasions he has been down and looking as if he might lose the match but invariably he comes through, connecting with his inner strength.

RELATED: Private landowner cut down one acre of trees on the shores of Lake Windermere

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