I see the devil in this horned (male) goat and I normally love goats. It is the way he is behaving, smoking weed or something. It is clearly a drug of some sort. His behaviour is disturbing. He judders at one stage as he inhales the potent fumes and goes back for more. He looks addicted to it. It seems to me to be an example of how the human-animal relationship has gone horribly wrong. It is a disaster.
The goat is smoking something made for humans. But for humans this poor goat wouldn’t be addicted to the bloody stuff. Humans are exporting their crappy habits to animals.
The devil has been depicted as a goat or mythical half goat. I have no idea why. Perhaps it is the horns. I seriously can’t be bothered to research this as it is piles of mumbo jumbo. It is just so tiresome. But this goat isn’t. Here is the video. I can’t guarantee that he video will play in the long-term. Sorry.
Here is a half goat half human at The Satanic Temple. I have no idea what it is meant to depict other than there is a satanic feel to it.
A commenter on Reddit.com said that goats get up to some seriously strange things. Her billy coat gulped down litres of paint. He loved it. She had to drag him away from it. He was okay!
But this satanic looking goat puffing what appears to be a drug of some sort, takes the biscuit. It looks weird and a bit scary.