Hawaiian vlogger and TV presenter rescued dog from deep volcanic hole

Hawaiian vlogger and TV presenter, Kawika Singson, videoed himself rescuing a dog who’d had fallen down quite a deep volcanic fissure in what appears to be a jungle forest. Singson is the host of Everything Hawaii, a television series. They traced the dog, Malka, to Kilauea volcano in Hilo, Hawaii, via a GPS signal. He said that the young man who lost his dog was smart to ensure that the dog had a GPS collar. The hole was 25 foot deep and the dog had been trapped in it for two days.

TV presenter and vlogger, Singson, rescues dog from 25-foot volcanic fissure
TV presenter and vlogger, Singson, rescues dog from 25-foot volcanic fissure. Screenshot

You can hear the dog whining as he goes down into the hole. His task was made more difficult for the simple fact that he videoed himself going down and coming up with the dog in his arms. I am not sure how you did it. Good job. Although, wisely, he clipped the dog to another rope by its collar when he was near the top which certainly helped him climb the last 10 feet.

TV presenter and vlogger, Singson, rescues dog from 25-foot volcanic fissure
TV presenter and vlogger, Singson, rescues dog from 25-foot volcanic fissure. Screenshot.

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