Woodstock, Georgia-news and comment: Beachgoers saw a woman throw her puppy into the ocean on a Georgia beach. The police were called and they interviewed the woman. She said that she could not afford to take her injured dog to a veterinarian. The dog had been injured a week earlier. But this time the dog was on the beach curled up in a ball and immobile. The woman went on her way after being given a warning.

“There was no attempt to obtain professional medical treatment” – Police
The police took the puppy in for emergency medical treatment in Savannah. A veterinarian inspected the animal and decided that his or her injuries were too severe to be treated and euthanized the puppy.
It appears that the veterinarian provided the police with information which indicated that the woman concerned might have injured her puppy. The police secured a warrant for a more serious felony charge of aggravated cruelty to animals. They have circulated a wanted poster of the woman whose name is Candy Selena Marban. She has ties to Gainesville, Georgia and they’ve been in contact with officers in that area.
She might be in the Savannah area but the police admit that she could be anywhere. They are looking for leads. The story comes from Yahoo News. That’s all the public knows at this time. It is the first time I have read about a companion being tossed into the ocean to get rid of ‘it’ in plain sight of others. It smacks of irrational behavior which points to possible inebriation or drug taking but I am speculating.