Walk like a penguin on ice to avoid falling over

Walk like a penguin on ice to avoid falling over
Image: MikeB

Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) has provided advice on how British citizens should walk on ice to avoid falling over. They have referred to penguins because penguins instinctively walk on ice in a safe way because of millions of years of evolution!

Britain is going through a cold snap at the moment with sub-zero temperatures particularly up north. It’s going to change so the advice comes a bit late actually but it’s amusing so I’m writing about it. There is a very serious side though. 🙄

Health officials for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde were filmed waddling around on ice like penguins to demonstrate how it should be done. They believe that “penguins know best”. Dr. Amelia Crighton, the director for public health on the board of the above-mentioned trust said: “While it might seem silly to walk or waddle like a penguin, the alternative may be a nasty injury or even a time in hospital.”

Good point and I thoroughly agree with her. Do all you can to walk safely. Last year I fell over on black ice and it was very serious for me. I won’t go into it but it took me months and months to get over the bruising and I believe the broken bones in my right hand which I simply let heal by themselves.

The doctor spells out how to walk like a penguin a nice and it’s in the image above.

Step 1 – legs out, step 2 – soft knee bend, step 3 – arms out.

Yesterday morning, The Times reports that the entire UK mainland was under sub-zero temperatures. Travel plans were severely disrupted particularly up north in the Midlands and further north into Scotland.

Temperatures fell to -11°C in England, -10°C in Scotland, -8°C in Wales and -3°C in Northern Ireland according to preliminary information from the Met Office.

For the time being, snow and icy patches will continue to create hazardous conditions for cyclists and drivers and walkers on pavements. I don’t think it’s a good time to be on a bike.

Fortunately, Britain can look forward to some warmer weather on Sunday when winds from the Atlantic i.e. a south-westerly winds will blow in wet and windy weather.

RELATED: Dog bites are more common in the warmer weather

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