Ukraine: sibling dogs spent 2 days on railway line with trains rumbling over them every 30 mins

Lucy and Panda are sister and brother domestic dogs who got lost in Ukraine. Lucy was injured and couldn’t walk. Panda stayed with her as they settled down in the middle of a railway track in freezing conditions. Every 30 minutes a train went over them but didn’t make contact with them. The two dogs accepted it. It seems remarkable that they were able to keep low enough on every occasion to avoid being hit by the trains. The video went viral and as a consequence the owners found out where they were.

Sibling dogs spent two days on a railway track in Ukraine in freezing conditions with trains rumbling over them every 30 mins
Sibling dogs spent two days on a railway track in Ukraine in freezing conditions with trains rumbling over them every 30 mins, Screenshot.

They’ve been returned to their owners. That’s all we know except what we see which is brother staying with sister when she needed him to keep her warm in freezing conditions. What would have happened if the video had not been made?

The video was made by Denis Malafeyev according to the name on the video, top-right. I take it that to mean that he made it. If he did, why didn’t he rescue the dogs? You don’t video two dogs living like this and then go home and upload your video to social media and wait for something to happen. Have I missed something? Has somebody else asked this question? And if so, what was the answer?

The last question is the most important question.

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Post Category: Dogs > dog rescue