Thanks to the quick networking on social media between two countries, a lost dog who accidently crossed from Canada into Maine (USA) is back at home with her family.

A German shepherd named Diamond escaped Saturday from her Clair, New Brunswick, Canada home and ended up in Fort Kent, Maine. COVID-19 restrictions prevented her family from retrieving the lost dog.
Bangor Daily News reported Paryse Michaud was several hours away at a hockey tournament watching her daughter play when she got word from her father, who was dog sitting, that the 17-month-old dog had escaped.
Michaud did what most pet parents do when their pet goes on the run. She posted a plea on Facebook for people in the Fort Kent area to keep an eye out for her dog.
A lot of people working together made the reunion possible. It took about six hours to track down Diamond as people posted updates on her whereabouts. Finally, a friend found the dog in a garage and kept her contained until a handoff could be made back to the Canadian side.
Annik Sirois, a friend of the family, sent a text and photo of Diamond to Michaud showing her safe and sound in a car and was reunited at a border station with family on Sunday.
Michaud told CTV Atlantic on Tuesday
I can never thank the people of Fort Kent enough.
Facebook can be a real pain at times for most of us. It’s nice to see how animal lovers come together on social media to reunite a lost pet with family.
Thanks for the post Elisa. Dogs are amazing. I love them as much as cats. Although I was bitten once which has made me more wary of them.
Sometimes I do write long articles and sometimes they can take a very long time to write them. But I have to balance the rewards with the effort. And this is a news story. If I have told the story, I’ve told the story and any more would just be waffle. And with this length of article, it is still ranked number one on Google. Therefore, I don’t need to make it longer. And on a smart phone this sort of short article looks much longer. And most of the people who read these articles read them on smartphones. This is the back story as to why this article is quite short. There is another reason: I don’t have enough time. I have to keep up quite a few websites and also have a normal life beyond managing websites. So, there are a lot of other reasons why but thank you for commenting and I will take your point and bear it in mind for the future.