The owner of this special needs rescue dog tells us, in a video, that he/she prefers to scream rather than bark. I don’t know if that is entirely true even if in the video he does that. I would have preferred a slightly longer video and one that was a little more rigorous but perhaps I am being silly because this is one of those social media videos that is meant to catch the eye for a short period of time and then you move on. Perhaps it is plausible that a dog who has had a hard and difficult life in being neglected may turn to a form of vocalisation which is more forceful compared to a bark. The scream is certainly more noticeable and the dog may have developed it to try and get noticed. I am speculating of course that that would seem to be the potential origin of this dog’s behaviour.
Note: This is a video from another website. Sometimes they are deleted at source which stops them working on this site. If that has happened, I apologise but I have no control over it.