Putting spikes on tree branches to stop birds perching is callous

Ninety-nine percent of the world’s human population love birds. But it seems that some administrators of buildings, in order to keep the building free of bird poop, decide to stick spiky devices on their building and sometimes even the branches of trees near the building. This is the only reason I can think of which applies when looking at this photograph. But it makes me despair.

Spikes affixed to tree branches to stop birds perching.
Spikes affixed to tree branches to stop birds perching. Image: Twitter

The person who directed a tradesman to do this is even preventing the humble bird from perching on the branch of a tree for some rest and shelter. It is so callous, so human-centric, so insensitive as to be baffling.

What the hell is this person thinking? It is indicative of the often-broken relationship between the human and the animal world.

There are hundreds of millions of great people who love animals and who want to see improved animal welfare but there are far too many people in the world who are insensitive to animal welfare and ignorant about it. The world revolves around them. They are blind to animals’ needs.

The bottom line is that this type of human behavior comes down to ignorance i.e. a lack of education and refinement. Combined with that nasty human trait called arrogance which is so damaging to animals, wildlife and nature in general.

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