This is a storm in a teacup but the press like to get hold of it so I’m reporting it as well. The world knows that President Biden and his family have two dogs. Major, a German shepherd, is the younger at three years old. Champ is 12. Major was reportedly the aggressor in this incident in which it is said he nipped a White House security guard believed to be an agent of the Secret Service.

The press officer said that Major was unfamiliar with the person which led to this minor bite and apparently a very minor injury. Perhaps the focus should be more on the White House security guard and how he or she approached Major.
A video comes to my mind immediately of an American guy who knows a lot about dogs. He says that when he is walking in a park and a stranger wants to pet his dog he insists that they ask him first. He absolutely insists on a strict basis that no stranger should approach his dog without asking first and ensuring that the introduction is gentle and carried out in a sensible way. This allows the dog time to aquaint himself with the stranger. It overcomes this natural instinct of dogs to protect their owner because they are pack animals and they protect the group and the alpha male.

And this guy is right. If you want to pet a cute dog in a park you should address your request to the owner first and take it from there. President Biden has reintroduced companion animals into the White House which is a great step compared to the companion animal desert created by former president Trump.
The dogs have their own Twitter account together with their cat, Winston. On Twitter they have launched a defence to this minor bite. It had been thought that because of the bite the dogs had been banished to the Biden’s Delaware home but the interpretation is incorrect because the dogs routinely move back to Delaware when Jill Biden is away.
The First Lady is visiting military bases in Washington state and California on the West Coast for two days apparently. The Twitter account states:
“Champ here, to defend my brother: Major does not bite and he’s not pawggressive, you’ve all seen him in numerous videos surrounded by media and staff. We are usually sent to Delaware when mom is not at the WH – she left Monday afternoon for a two-day trip.”
The Twitter account did admit however that there had been an incident as reported by NBC News. The so-called exile to Delaware is temporary and the dogs will soon be back at the White House.